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The Blowtorch of Parma
W 8 D R Z

444.050 Mhz  |  +5 MHz Offset  |   131.8 Hz Tone


The Blowtorch of Parma is the Jim Snell, W8DRZ, Memorial Repeater.  A commercial Motorola MTR-2000 repeater pushing 124-watts to the antenna positioned 321 feet up the WJW Channel 8 TV transmitter tower located at the southeast corner of State Road and West Pleasant Valley Road in Parma, Ohio.  Operating on 444.050 MHz with +5 Mhz offset and 131.8 Hz tone.  It is the premier UHF repeater in the northeasten Ohio area.

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The Blowtorch of Parma Amateur Radio Club, (TBOP), is currently in its final stages of organization and will be accepting applications for membership soon.

We will be posting the Club Constitution, By-laws and Mission Statement that defines who and what The Blowtorch of Parma Amateur Radio Club intends to be.

We hope you will join us in this new and exciting endeavor.

There is a TBOP Club Net weekly on Monday nights at 8:00 pm local time on the repeater.  Be sure to check in weekly for the latest news and other information and to meet some of the other hams within the range of the repeater.

If you have questions, news, comments, would like something announced on the net or want to contact the officers of TBOP, send an email to:


The TBOP Club also has an email notification email list where recipients can receive Reminders of upcoming Nets, Club Meetings and other Club informational announcements.

After requesting to join the list you should receive a confirmation email with a link which you need to click to confirm you wish to join the list.

If you don't see this email within 10-minutes or so, check your spam folder.

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